Military Training
This course is for members of the military who are leaving the services:
Being ex military we at CTTS understand the particular requirements of the service leaver. This may involve training for a new career or updating existing qualifications gained during your service. It may even be that you just want to put another usable qualification in the back pocket as a fallback. Whatever your individual requirements, at CTTS we will endeavour to meet your course structure, content and duration, ensuring that you gain the maximum value for money from your resettlement grant. Prior to the course being set up we offer advice relative to the Industry and steer you clear of some of the miss-selling that is prevalent with many training providers. We listen to you and highlight any particular areas that you should be aware of.
Before the course starts we set realistic aims given the time and cost implications of the training. In the past we have had service leavers arriving with only a car licence and subsequently leaving with the full complement of licences for trucks and buses. Another course that is popular with the Military is the Industry/Refresher course which instructs the candidate on all aspects relative to the commercial industry including the required legislative rules and regulations, in effect turning you into a commercial driver.
We have excellent accommodation in the area of the training centre which is also close to the town centre.
Do ex military personnel have a lot to offer civilian employers? Combined with worthwhile training, you can make maximum use of your resettlement grant by obtaining usable qualifications. See the courses available in the courses section. Because the courses are structured to the individual it may be beneficial for you to either phone or email us.
Please read the feedback in the section dealing with resettlement and the comments from ex forces personnel.